Most couples argue from time to time, but unhealthy methods of disagreeing with your spouse usually end up causing even more trouble. In this video, Dana sits down with a couple to talk about “fighting smart” – knowing when your temper is getting the best of you, knowing when to keep your mouth shut, and […]

While big problems like affairs and major life changes are serious threats to the stability of marriages, there are also bad habits and mistakes that can cause the connection between spouses to erode, and eventually lead to major issues in the relationship. Sometimes, these things happen so gradually, it takes things getting to the brink […]

Domestic maintenance isn’t necessarily an enjoyable thing. Even if you like the results – a clean bathroom, clean clothes to wear, a well-kept lawn – the actual process of getting these things in order can be boring, feel like drudgery, and is awfully easy to neglect. But if you don’t do it, someone else has […]

When you’re struggling in a marriage, it’s perfectly normal to think in terms of direct fixes, of night and day changes in your situation, when in reality relationships don’t change that instantaneously. And while it may be frustrating to hear, the answers to specific “what should I do” questions are often much, much broader than […]

When we’re faced with a frustrating situation in our marriage, one of the most difficult components – sometimes even more challenging than the source of the frustration itself – is feeling like we don’t even know how to approach solving the problem. One of our subscribers recently sent over a question about how to approach […]

Are you feeling mistreated and unappreciated by your husband? Is he being rude and disrespectful? Even though he is behaving in appropriately, it doesn’t mean that’s’ the way it always has to be. People can change and do change all the time but they need to know how. Here are three powerful videos from Dr. […]

Building a romantic relationship almost always begins with having something in common, whether it’s taste in music, a favorite restaurant, a movie you both recently saw – there’s got to be something to spark a conversation. As you grow closer, you likely find more and more opinions you share, things you enjoy doing together, places […]

Trust is hard to earn, but it’s even harder to earn back once it’s been betrayed. When an affair or other major violation of trust happens in a marriage, one of the most difficult things to navigate is how to rebuild that lost confidence. However difficult it may be, though, it’s not impossible! First, let’s […]

Recently, Jerry Seinfeld made a brief appearance on Ali Wentworth’s series Daily Shot. Over the course of the conversation, Jerry made a comment that can teach many, many couples a valuable lesson. Jerry told the host that he doesn’t fight much with his wife because he simply doesn’t feel the need to win arguments. Now, […]

Arguments happen, but when you and your spouse seem to be at odds for no reason, there is usually an underlying problem with communication. When there are roadblocks to effectively communicating, not only is it difficult to resolve problems or navigate disagreements, it can also put a damper on the most minor day-to-day interaction. Here’s […]