What’s Father’s Day really about? Is it about paying too much for a new set of golf clubs? Is it about making or buying that perfect meal? Is it about making sure you don’t ask him for any “honey-do’s” that day? Or, it is about appreciating those special dads in your life? Give a Father’s […]

Do you feel as if the romance is gone from your marriage?  Does sex feel like “wham, bam, thank you, m’am?” Do you want more or better sex? Do you feel like sex is a chore?  Do you just want to be wanted? Make Love Throughout the Whole Day One of the things couples have […]

So, you want to now the real difference between the people who stay happily married and the people who don’t? The people who stay happily married are willing to work on it.  They’re willing to learn, to grow, to change, to take risks and to take action.  Basically, they’re willing to do whatever it takes. […]

Do you sometimes wonder if you and your partner are even speaking the same language? Do you wonder what’s going on with him/her? Are you angry at them all the time but when you try to talk you just fight? Do you feel sometimes as if your partner is just a jerk? Here’s Dr. Dana’s […]

Are you tired of the argument that never seems to end? Do you feel as if you argue about the same thing(s) over and over again?  Do you want to stop the pain but don’t know how? Gracefully Accepting a Concession Resolves Issues Here, I am using the word concession to mean yielding, giving in, […]

Are you tired of feeling hurt all the time? Do you feel as if the sadness and anger is tearing you up inside? Do you want to stop the pain but don’t know how? Get Past the Pain By Learning to Forgive To begin a discussion on Forgiveness, we must first understand and acknowledge that […]

Are you wondering if it’s even possible to get the love and laughter back in your marriage?  Do you find that you’re angry at each other every day? Do you find yourself fighting in your marriage all the time?  Do you ever wonder how to get back in touch with the fun and laughter in […]

Does your marriage feel like more of a burden than a blessing?  Do you find yourself fighting with endlessly?  Do you want to know how to end the fighting once and for all and know how to be happy again?  You’re not alone.  But get ready, Dr. Fillmore’s got a lot to say on fighting […]

Feel stuck? Does your marriage suffer from past hurt? Are either of you finding it difficult to get over problems or issues? You may be stuck due to an inability (or unwillingness) to forgive. Learn Why Forgiveness Matters Learn How To Fix Your Marriage Problems. Visit https://www.strongmarriagenow.com

Many of you have told us that you’ve been impacted by some sort of infidelity and you reached out to us at StrongMarriageNow.com to ask for help.  On our teleseminar last week, “5 Secrets to Save Your Marriage.” Dr. Fillmore address that very concern. The most common questions you asked about affairs were: “Is my […]