In 2012, RealAge test results from more than 28 million people ranked America’s 50 largest metropolitan areas in order to uncover the best places to live to stay young. While aging is inevitable, the rate of aging is not.  In other words, each city’s ranking is based on a unique assessment of the healthy lifestyles, […]

So many couples get caught up in their busy lives or in hurt feelings and drift apart and feel lonely and disconnected. But what we truly desire are those fabulous feelings of togetherness and joy that are typically associated with the holidays. During those times, we gather together to ring in the New Year, exchange […]

Want to get live marriage advice from Dr. Dana? Want to hear Dr. Dana candidly share her relationship tips on the radio? Rob and Patty Saul on the “Night View” show on Gashouse Radio will be interviewing Dr. Dana and accepting live calls. Rob and Patty have been married for four years and have a […]

Money is a serious issue when it comes to your relationship.  The likelihood of divorce goes up dramatically If your partner thinks that you are spending money poorly.  How can you avoid falling into monetary relationship traps? Nancy Anderson from has some great advice for staying clear of the top five financial mistakes most […]

Most of us were raised to believe that Halloween was just for kids, right?  If that’s the case, why then do men consistently dress up as dashing pirates, barbaric cavemen, or brave superheroes and why do women dress up as bawdy bar-wenches, damsels in distress and, let’s be honest, sexy call-girls?  The answer?  All of […]

Everybody has heard the saying, “It takes two to tango, right?”  They take that to mean that both people have to take dance lessons to do it right.  Well, we’re using it in a slightly different way here – In reality, if just one person learns some new steps, some “new moves” if you will, […]

Does your partner get angry all the time when you’re just trying to have a conversation? Why is it so hard to get through? Wondering what it’s all about? Dr. Dana reveals what’s really going on when you or your partner is angry, and how to gain peace and understanding. Anger is Always the Result […]

Lifehacker contributor, Melanie Pinola, sites four reasons why couples might grow apart and recommends possible strategies and resources to prevent that from happening. These Problems include examples of a relationship that has gone stale, a couple that has grown apart, and problems with intimacy or money. For each of these specific problems, Melanie recommends tools […]

Do you feel like you’ve tried and tried to improve your marriage but nothing seems to get better?  Do you feel frustrated and disappointed?  There is a better way.  In fact… You Can Be Happy and Have a Happy Marriage! When it comes right down to it, marriage is a choice.  It’s not magic.  It’s […]