The Real Truth About “The End” Of Will Smith’s Marriage

Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith have one of the highest profile marriages in Hollywood. Will has been a mega-star for nearly three decades, conquering music, television, film, and presumably, anything he puts his mind to. In 2007, Newsweek called Smith “the most powerful actor in Hollywood,” and it’s easy to understand why.

Jada is also a massive presence in the entertainment world, with TV and film roles, a music production company, a heavy metal band, and a book authorship on her lengthy resume.

The two were married in 1997, and as you might expect, have had to deal with plenty of scrutiny from the media over the course of their nearly 20 year union.

The Real Truth About "The End" Of Will Smith's Marriage
The Real Truth About “The End” Of Will Smith’s Marriage

There have been some scandals over the years, usually little more than rumors and tabloid exaggeration, but in a recent interview, Will shared something that he and Jada have come to embrace – something that all couples can consider when struggling through conflict.

When talking about working through problems and facing things when they’re at their worst, Will told Sun newspaper, “Whatever you have is gonna die and you are gonna have to birth something new.”

This can be a tough realization for most couples, but it’s one of the most powerful ways to move forward even when things have been terrible. It’s ok to admit that you aren’t happy, that the marriage isn’t where you want it to be, that the current relationship is NOT good… And it’s ok to call that version of your marriage dead and gone – as long as your new marriage is born right then too.

You can agree with your spouse that your existing marriage isn’t working for either of you, and start fresh – a brand new relationship with the person you’re already married to!

This means putting past troubles behind you, offering forgiveness, and agreeing on some new behaviors that will make THIS marriage different from the one you’ve decided to let die.

Will and Jada have been through a lot, with busy schedules, ambitious careers, raising kids, and the media microscope watching the whole thing… But they’ve learned over the years to roll with the punches, to deal with the problems as they arise, and to be willing to let one version of their marriage “die” so another, better, stronger version can be born.

For more advice on how to strengthen your marriage, check out the StrongMarriageNow System today!
Dr. Dana Fillmore and Amy Barnhart, co-Founders,

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