Divorce rates are climbing these days, yet most Americans wish that the institution of marriage was held in a higher light.   New information shows that a large number of divorces may be preventable, so there is hope! William J. Doherty and Leah Ward Sears shed some more light on exactly why sticking it through might […]

Want more (and better!) sex in your marriage? Do you feel like sex is a chore? How about more romance with your sex? Do you just want to be wanted? Understanding What Turns a Woman On There is a key point that men should understand about the average woman’s arousal process: most women need to […]

Are you feeling hurt and angry?  Are you struggling to get over past pain?  Are you or your spouse having a hard time with forgiveness? Dr. Dana’s got a special video and article for you to help both of you let go of past pain and move forward. How To Get Over the Past and […]

The reality is that once we are married, we spend a lot of time as husband and wife, paying the bills, taking care of the family.  We spend a lot of time as mom and dad, playing with the kids and parenting in a marriage.  But if we are not careful, we spend very little […]

Lifehacker contributor, Melanie Pinola, sites four reasons why couples might grow apart and recommends possible strategies and resources to prevent that from happening. These Problems include examples of a relationship that has gone stale, a couple that has grown apart, and problems with intimacy or money. For each of these specific problems, Melanie recommends tools […]

According to an annual survey of 101 lawyers in the United Kingdom, the leading reason couples site for divorce is no longer an extramarital affair. This is a major shift as since the annual survey began in 2003, an affair has been consistently the most cited reason couples divorce. This year, according to those that […]

There’s a commonly believed relationship myth out there:  “Everyone in the family will be happier if we just get a divorce.”  Do you find yourself thinking the same thing?  Are you wondering if you’ll be better off apart? Well the truth is, in most cases, this is far from the truth.  There are countless research […]

According to a research study from the University of Rochester, this may very well be the case. Published online August 22 in Health Psychology, a publication of the American Psychological Association, the study shows that the long term survival rates of patients that receive coronary surgery increases when the patient is in a supportive, happy […]

Do you feel as if the romance is gone from your marriage?  Does sex feel like “wham, bam, thank you, m’am?” Do you want more or better sex? Do you feel like sex is a chore?  Do you just want to be wanted? Make Love Throughout the Whole Day One of the things couples have […]

So, you want to now the real difference between the people who stay happily married and the people who don’t? The people who stay happily married are willing to work on it.  They’re willing to learn, to grow, to change, to take risks and to take action.  Basically, they’re willing to do whatever it takes. […]