Do you feel your sex life is unsatisfactory? Is the romance gone from your marriage?  Do you want more physical intimacy and closeness? Do you want more or better sex?  Is there more that you want, but you don’t know what to say or how to say it to your partner? It’s Critical To Talk […]

Are you wondering if it’s even possible to get the love and laughter back in your marriage?  Do you find that you’re angry at each other every day? Do you find yourself fighting in your marriage all the time?  Do you ever wonder how to get back in touch with the fun and laughter in […]

Does your marriage feel like more of a burden than a blessing?  Do you find yourself fighting with endlessly?  Do you want to know how to end the fighting once and for all and know how to be happy again?  You’re not alone.  But get ready, Dr. Fillmore’s got a lot to say on fighting […]

Despite their many quirky, strange and failed marriages, the Beatles did get one thing (though they may not have applied it) right about marriage. “And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.” This is, in fact, the Golden Rule of Marriage: You must give in your marriage what […]

So many people are frustrated in their marriage because they believe they have tried many different ways to improve the situation and these approaches didn’t work. This is very common. There’s a reason for this, however. Many people’s efforts to fix their marriages in the past have failed because they used an ineffective approach based […]

Feel stuck? Does your marriage suffer from past hurt? Are either of you finding it difficult to get over problems or issues? You may be stuck due to an inability (or unwillingness) to forgive. Learn Why Forgiveness Matters Learn How To Fix Your Marriage Problems. Visit

So we stood up in front of God and man and promised to love and cherish each other, right? Then why does the person we’re married to sometimes have the ability to hurt us more than anybody else on the planet? The answer is that they are hurt themselves. They have what I like to […]

Many of you write to us and say ““We’re not in love anymore.  Can that “in love” feeling ever come back?”   Have you heard the words “not in love?”  Do you long for a return of the passion and excitement that you had early in your relationship?  Do you want that “in love” feeling back […]