Man Fighting to Save His Marriage and His Life

In an adventure that’s been making headlines, including a recent Time Magazine story, a 40-year-old Indiana writer is embarking on a massive undertaking – to ride his bicycle from coast to coast.

This man, Eric Hites, felt like his life was in shambles – at the time of his fortieth birthday, his marriage was falling apart and he was extremely unhappy with his health and appearance.

At the outset of his coast-to-coast ride, he weighed 560 pounds.

His journey is inspired by a desire to transform, for both himself and for his wife.

Not only is he gathering material for his next book, he’s also making this huge effort to lose weight, get in better shape, test his willpower, and give his marriage a much-needed boost in the right direction.

Show some dedication and save your marriage!
Show some dedication and save your marriage!

Because of his weight, Hites says that he was depressed and grumpy, and that it was putting serious strain on his marriage. A big part of taking on this journey is to show his wife (and himself) how committed he is to getting his health and the marriage back on track.

Over the first 90 miles of his trip, Eric shed a whopping 60 pounds, and is gaining stamina and strength every day.

He hopes to inspire people to dedicate themselves to challenges, no matter how big they might seem, and to help people see the importance of their health, their marriages, and how the two are related.

We applaud Eric for taking on such a challenge, and of course wish him the best of luck on his long, difficult trip.

For everyone reading this, perhaps this story can be just the motivation you need to make a big change in your own life, to tackle something you’ve been putting off, to own up to a problem in your marriage.

If Eric Hites is brave enough, motivated enough to embark on a cross-country journey to transform his body, his marriage, and likely, the way he sees the world – can’t we all do something even half as courageous?

Take a good look around your own life. If there are things that you wish were different, what are you waiting for? It might be scary, it might be hard work, and you might not even succeed on your first try!

All of that is just fine – because it’s making the effort that matters. If you decide to make an improvement in your life, every step you take – faltering or not – is a step in the right direction.

Eric Hites has already run into challenges, some bike malfunctions that put an unwelcome pause in the first leg of his journey… but it didn’t stop him. Another bike and a little bit of help from some kind strangers, and he’s back on the road!

Any big change is going to have some setbacks, but pressing on through them and staying on track is vital to success.

For more advice on how to strengthen your marriage, check out the StrongMarriageNow System today!
Dr. Dana Fillmore and Amy Barnhart, co-Founders,

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