Make Sure She Feels Appreciated This Mother’s Day

This year, Mother’s Day falls on Sunday, May 8th. If you have kids, this is the perfect opportunity to make sure your wife knows just how much she means to you and the whole family!

Moms often go unappreciated (or at least, under-appreciated) despite the long hours they put in, day in and day out, to the round-the-clock job of motherhood. In many cases, moms are not just taking care of kids – but act as “air traffic control” for the whole family: helping manage schedules and meals, keeping the household in order, acting as counselor and conflict resolution… And plenty else in between.

Even if we’re well aware of how much they put in, how often do we stop to let them know just how much it means, how much we appreciate their efforts?

Help your wife feel appreciated this Mother's Day.
Help your wife feel appreciated this Mother’s Day.

…It’s likely not often enough! So, this Mother’s Day, make sure your wife knows what a great mother and spouse she really is.

You can write her a letter detailing the things you feel most thankful for. You could surprise her by taking care of as many of her daily responsibilities as you can – just to give her some extra time to relax. If it’s in your budget, you can take her on a special trip or a date away from the kids…

Use your imagination, and whatever you decide to do, make it about her!

You should also help get the kids involved (if they’re old enough). Whether that’s helping them with a handmade gift, coaching them through writing a short letter of gratitude, or something in that vein, it will help make her day special to hear such a loving message from you and the kids.

Now, before you get too far into planning for Mother’s Day, make sure you’re considering what she actually wants! Every woman is going to be a little different, and if you aren’t sure – ask!

She may love an adventure with the whole family, or she might just want a quiet day all to herself! Maybe she wants to be pampered at a day spa, or maybe she’d rather take a fishing trip – it’s up to you to know which she’d prefer!

The whole point is to let her know that the efforts don’t go unnoticed, that you acknowledge and appreciate what she does for you and the kids in no uncertain terms! If you can help alleviate some of the things she has to do, even better!

It doesn’t have to be extravagant, but it does have to be genuine. Let your wife know directly how much you love and appreciate her, thank her specifically for her contributions, and do everything you can to ensure that she has a wonderful Mother’s Day.

For more advice on how to strengthen your marriage, check out the StrongMarriageNow System today!
Dr. Dana Fillmore and Amy Barnhart, co-Founders,

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