Most couples think sex is a pretty big deal, and rightfully so. In fact, problems surrounding sex and affection are some of the more common issues that couples face. We know that it’s a sensitive subject, but it doesn’t have to be! Communicating about sex and intimacy is something we’ve stressed in the past. Every […]

We all know that men and women behave differently. Part of being husband and wife is getting to know the differences in the way you and your spouse express your needs and concerns, learning what is important to each other, and doing your best to master one another’s communication style. Many of the common stereotypes, […]

Working on your marriage can sometimes be a daunting task. It can mean addressing serious issues or owning up to big mistakes, but strengthen your marriage isn’t always about overcoming giant obstacles or solving major problems. In fact, many of us might not be facing large-scale problems, but instead are caught in a cycle of […]

Human beings are creatures of habit. We tend to get used to our conditions, whatever they may be, and come to expect them as the norm. Physical contact with your spouse is no different – your desire is directly tied to the amount of physical contact you engage in. In other words, the more you […]

You know that 80 year old couple that’s dancing at the wedding that clearly adore each other and still look madly in love.  Well, those people will tell you that they were not madly in love everyday for the last 60 years.  In fact, there were many times when they wanted to toss their partner […]

It’s safe to say that we all want to be connected, especially to our spouses. While there are plenty of ways to help foster this kind of connection, but few are so basic and so ingrained in our biology as simple, familiar touch. Research shows that all kinds of touch are important. Physical contact plays […]

Every year, couples bend over backwards to make restaurant reservations, purchase gifts and candies, and plan extravagant dates to show their love to one another on Valentine’s Day. The unfortunate reality, however, is that the financial strain and general stress that comes with grandiose celebration can have a negative impact on the actual enjoyment of […]

Last week we covered the 6 common marriage mistakes women make. This week it’s the men’s turn… Of course, we all make mistakes but some are more avoidable than others. In fact, sometimes we don’t even know we’re making a mistake until someone points it out. In the spirit of letting you know what you […]

Mistakes are an inevitable part of life, and as easy as it is to look past the little things, ongoing mistakes in behavior can threaten the foundations of your marriage, and even lead to its collapse! Here are six common mistakes that women often make in their marriages: 1.    Unclear Expectations  One of the most […]

As the recent recession dug in, U.S. divorce rates started dropping. Not because everyone’s happier, mind you: We just can’t afford to split up. With our collective net worth down nearly 18 percent thanks to the downturn, who has the cash for a divorce attorney and alimony? If you feel your relationship may be in […]