Partner Not Willing to Work on Your Marriage?

Do you want to save your marriage but your partner isn’t willing to work on it? Have you heard the words, “I’m done” or “I just don’t feel that way about you anymore.” If so, you’re not alone.  That’s one of the most common questions we hear.  The good news is, you can save your marriage even if you’re the only one working on it.

Here’s how

Does this sound familiar to you?  Got any other questions or topics you’d like us to cover? Please comment and tell us about your situation.

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Monex 13 years ago

..To raise questions about your marriage and relationship and try to find answers is a very helpful exercise. That will make us aware of what has to be set right and what changes need to be brought to make a better marriage..You can try the marriage and relationship quizzes on Internet Websites to find out more about your married relationship. With more information you can find out timely solutions to any cracks that may be developing in your marriage.

Gaurav 11 years ago

I think we should just be fridnes I said Why? It may not be great that its long distance, but it'll get better She then says I just don't like you anymore (attracted) I saw this coming though, not with that answer. I left brokenhearted and she seemed to be fine with it, though the week before she told me Babe I love you . We were a dorky, fun loving couple when together and I miss that. :This wasn't the first time she broke up with me, she broke up with me 4 months ago, but the next day we went back together after I texted her a novel about how she haven't gave the relationship a chance. I send her letters, gave her a few gifts, but I haven't really showed her quality time when I go there. I felt that the more I went the better, rather than think the less I go but the better time we spent together (i.e. paintballing or going to SeaWorld instead of sitting at home watching a movie). Another thing why I see she broke up me is the fact that she isn't attracted anymore and that stems from her not being attracted to the same guy she met 6 months ago, transforming to this needy, pathetic, clingy guy who is too nice. Total turn off. So far I haven't texted or phoned or even looked at her Facebook profile since Wednesday. I heard that not contacting her is good but shes kinda of a cold person and I think thrives on that (she doesn't have many fridnes) so she stays home alot. I really dig this girl and I care about her, so I'm willing to do many things for her. I'm almost done with my A.A. here in Miami and I could easily transfer to UCF for my Bachelor's if distance is that big of a deal. Anyway any good ideas on how I can get my ex back? People have told me to move on, but its hard to obviously, I'm 20 and I never had a girl that I really cared about up until this point, and I don't want to live a life full of what ifs or could of been, I feel that if you really want something you can get it. Sorry for the long message.Thx alot you guys for the replies, I'm trying not to contact but obviously its very difficult. I'm trying to rebuild the attraction she had for me when we first started dating, now I want to ask her for prom which is in 2 months and I'm thinking of clever ways to ask. So far I've only thought of chalking up her driveway with the word PROM? and my name or asking her school if I could place a message on their marquee asking her for prom and a second chance idk. Any Ideas?