It comes as no surprise that materialism is bad for you, and therefore bad for your marriage. When you focus on material possessions it becomes easy to lose touch with what really matters. Research shows that materialistic people tend to be more depressed and anxious, neither of which are good for your marriage. In a […]

Kenneth A. Crouch has presented a scholarly study from the University of Connecticut, that spans 40 years – the umbrella of which covers more than 2,000 women. The study, which was performed in collaboration with the Social Security Administration, analyzed the economic impact of divorce – specifically on women. Read the article here and learn […]

Lifehacker contributor, Melanie Pinola, sites four reasons why couples might grow apart and recommends possible strategies and resources to prevent that from happening. These Problems include examples of a relationship that has gone stale, a couple that has grown apart, and problems with intimacy or money. For each of these specific problems, Melanie recommends tools […]

Do you fight about money all the time? Do you resent each other even when you don’t talk about it? Do you feel as if you are no longer a team? Are you unsure what to do about this? Having a Marriage Plan Now it’s time to talk about money – an especially touchy subject, […]