Divorce: A pocketbook issue for women

Kenneth A. Crouch has presented a scholarly study from the University of Connecticut, that spans 40 years – the umbrella of which covers more than 2,000 women. The study, which was performed in collaboration with the Social Security Administration, analyzed the economic impact of divorce – specifically on women.

Read the article here and learn what divorce can mean for you in the long run.

Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness!

Dr. Dana and Amy

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Sarah 11 years ago

he couldn't hold it from me any lneogr. It wasn't cause he has feelings for her cause it was just like a sex thing. Well we continued dating after he told me. Only for a few days. but it was weird. THEN he broke up with me. He said he kindof likes someone and doesn't want to cheat on me again. Or date me while he was having these thoughts. I know the girl too, she goes to my school. He dated her for like 4 days, and said he couldn't do it. He said he misses me, and couldn't be with anyone els. He keeps calling me telling im sorry, saying we should just be friends for a while so i can see if i could be with him. I think i could, but i don't want him to think he can do this again, you know? I don't want to look naive. It's just we REALLY had fun, and got along not just as mates, but best friends. I even got along with his guy friends. He's been really trying to show me he's changed. Is it even worth it? don't know what to do