Author: Dana Fillmore

  • 10 Ways to Tell If She’s Being Unfaithful

    Infidelity is one of the most damaging things that can happen in a marriage. It doesn’t have to mean the end of the relationship, but before you can repair the damage, address the issues that led to an affair, and move forward… You have to get things out in the open. Because infidelity is generally…

  • Repairing Your Loveless Marriage

    It’s pretty safe to say that a “loveless” marriage is NOT a happy one. Whether you’re fighting constantly, living totally separate lives under the same roof, or just coexisting as amicable roommates… It still isn’t the loving connection we think of when we imagine healthy relationships. If your marriage feels loveless, the first thing to…

  • Is Falling Out of Love Normal?

    After years of marriage, many couples find themselves less connected than they once were… They settle into routines, get comfortable, and over the years, grow apart until they feel more like roommates than spouses. This is a common problem – so common that it has created something of a myth: that this is simply the…

  • The Affair is Over – How Much Detail Should We Talk About?

    So, your marriage has survived an affair – that’s an incredible accomplishment! It’s important to acknowledge that you’ve made a difficult choice to rebuild your marriage and stay connected to the person you love, even in the face of such a major obstacle. But as you’re beginning to mend the damage done by infidelity, you’ll…

  • Will Divorce Really Harm Your Kids?

    Divorce can wreak havoc on many parts of life. It’s expensive and time consuming, can drag up painful memories, cause bitter confrontation, bring about financial ruin, damage friendships, and of course, lead to chaos and confusion in the lives of the children whose parents are splitting. But just how severely are these kids affected? We…

  • Need a Little Spark? Get a Little Scared Together

    Fear and excitement are two terms we give to one very similar emotion. When we expect a negative outcome, we often call the emotion fear, and when we expect a positive outcome, we call it excitement. Both are marked with an “electric” feeling, a sense of anticipation, and probably some stomach butterflies – but why…

  • Don’t Be This SCARY Marriage Statistic

    Perhaps you’ve heard before that January is “divorce month” – and it’s true! Statistically speaking, the beginning of the year sees a huge spike in divorce filings, and many attorneys report the same experience. Why January? Well, one of the largest possible reasons can be found in the stress of the holidays – and in…

  • Three More Marriage Ending Fights – Part 2

    In our last post, we dug into three things couples fight about that can highlight much deeper problems in your marriage. These argument topics should serve as warning signs that larger issues are at play – and that your relationship could be in serious trouble if you don’t do something about it. Today, we’ll cover…

  • Three Marriage Ending Fights – Part 1

    Pretty much all couples fight from time to time. Having disagreements or arguments doesn’t mean the relationship is falling apart or that you aren’t a good couple… But not all “fights” are created equal. Some arguments can indicate much larger, much deeper problems that need to be addressed if your marriage is going to survive.…

  • 5 Date Ideas For September

    As fall approaches, you have a whole new set of opportunities for season-specific dates with your spouse! It’s essential to spend quality time connecting as husband and wife, and carving out time for dates can help keep your marriage strong! Over this month, try out some of these date ideas perfect for September: 1. Horseback…