Sex is a little bit different in every marriage. There is no “right” amount or frequency that will work for every couple, and since we all have varying needs and desires, no two sexual relationships will be exactly the same. A marriage with no sexual activity, however, puts couples at risk for drifting apart, reduced […]

Simply thinking outside of yourself can stop a LOT of arguments before they reach a boiling point No, I don’t mean in the bedroom, though that doesn’t hurt either! I’m talking about putting the shoe on the other foot, imagining an experience or situation through the eyes of your spouse. Now, we have to understand […]

In a recent study from the University of East Anglia in the U.K., researchers observed that fruit flies mate for significantly longer and reproduce more offspring when they’ve been exposed to rival male fruit flies prior to mating.  In other words, when these male flies sniff even the faintest hint of competition and suspect their […]

When it comes to sex, guys are simple, right? Wrong. The bedroom is one of the great arenas of male performance, and as such, what you see and hear is typically not the whole reality. It’s no wonder, in trying to please, men don’t necessarily reveal their full identity. Here are 7 things men would […]

Want to turn her on? Head to Home Depot. Some surveys have shown that the way to a woman’s bed, er, heart is through her “honey-do” list. In fact, according to a recently conducted survey, 12 percent of women prefer their men to be good at do-it-yourself projects rather than skilled between the sheets! Of […]

Did you know that one of the most common issues that bring couple to therapy is disagreements about their sex life? A relationship is considered to have a problem with sex if either spouse is unhappy with the quality and/or quantity of sex. There are many different reasons why couples have difficulty in their sexual […]

Want more (and better!) sex in your marriage? Do you feel like sex is a chore? How about more romance with your sex? Do you just want to be wanted? Understanding What Turns a Woman On There is a key point that men should understand about the average woman’s arousal process: most women need to […]

The reality is that once we are married, we spend a lot of time as husband and wife, paying the bills, taking care of the family.  We spend a lot of time as mom and dad, playing with the kids and parenting in a marriage.  But if we are not careful, we spend very little […]

Do you feel as if the romance is gone from your marriage?  Does sex feel like “wham, bam, thank you, m’am?” Do you want more or better sex? Do you feel like sex is a chore?  Do you just want to be wanted? Make Love Throughout the Whole Day One of the things couples have […]