New Movie Divorce Corp: Why You Should Stay Married

There are plenty of excellent reasons to make your marriage the best it can be, from your own emotional wellbeing to creating an environment of stability for your children, and everything in between.

If and when things get rocky, taking the necessary steps to rebuild your relationship after a falling out will serve the same needs of happiness and stability, as well as help both members of a couple stave off loneliness, potentially destructive behavior, and the criticism of family and friends.

There are great new reasons to not divorce! Watch Divorce Corps.
There are great new reasons to not divorce! Watch Divorce Corp.

We know the benefits of marriage – companionship, connection, having a partner to help navigate daily life, family, a stable sex life, the list goes on – but a recent documentary by Dr. Drew, Divorce Corp., provides a whole new reason for keeping your marriage strong (and together) if at all possible.

Divorce Corp., as you might guess from the title, takes an in depth look at the business of divorce, and more specifically, how that business destroys families, drags people through an endless court system, financially devastates those involved, and often leads to far, far worse stress and emotional pain than the problems in the marriage!

Divorce as an American industry clears more than $50 billion a year (and growing), and most of this money goes into the hands of lawyers and court systems – who do very little to help the people footing the bill.

The movie, released on January 10th, also shows how the divorce process can actually make serious marital problems like substance abuse and domestic violence worse, or even cause these behaviors to rise to the surface.

People lose their homes, their savings and assets, and are even forced into bankruptcy at the hands of the messy and convoluted divorce process. Suicide rates increase, as do cases of violence and violent crime.

Now, some of the examples in the film are pretty extreme cases, but you certainly get the idea. The point is that the divorce process, and even the entire family court system, can lead to so many unforeseen difficulties (both emotionally and financially), that what so many people perceive as a solution is actually a huge web of problems!

With all of the great reasons to keep your marriage in tip-top shape, the burdens and torment that can come from divorcing should only be MORE reasons to avoid splitting up at all costs. Take the time to see the film with your spouse – not to scare you into keeping your marriage together, but to make sure you’re aware of what you’re working to maintain, and what you could be facing if you decide to call it quits.

For more advice on how to strengthen your marriage, check out the StrongMarriageNow System today!
Dr. Dana Fillmore and Amy Barnhart, co-Founders,

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