3 Easy Steps to Impress Your Partner This Valentine’s Day

Have you considered how you are going to impress your partner for Valentine’s day? You could get a box of chocolates, flowers, or a reservation at a nice restaurant. Those are all great options. Yet, if you really want to wow them, Dr Dana and Amy have put together a simple exercise that will be sure to blow them away.

Sure, fancy gifts and a night on the town are enjoyable, but they don’t truly express the way you feel about your partner. Here is a simple, step by step process you can use to write the perfect love letter for that perfect someone in your life.

Step 1:
List the top five things about your spouse that make your day-to-day life wonderful
1. _______________________________________
2. _______________________________________
3. _______________________________________
4. _______________________________________
5. _______________________________________

Step 2: List your spouses’ five best qualities:
1. _______________________________________
2. _______________________________________
3. _______________________________________
4. _______________________________________
5. _______________________________________

Step 3: Put it all together:

Dear _______,
I want to tell you how thankful I am for our life together, and to tell you all the things I love about you.
I am thankful for ___________, ______________, ______________, ______________,  and _______________.

I love that you are _______________, _______________, _______________, ______________, and _______________.

Thank you for being the best part of my life!
Happy Valentines Day!

You could give this to your spouse on a napkin or an expensive card, but the result will be the same. Just keep in mind the old saying “it’s the thought that counts.” As long as you take the time to express your true feelings, your spouse will be happier than ever.

Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness,

Dr Dana and Amy

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Natalia 11 years ago

It's so true that you need to think about your fiscal coiiitabmlpty when it comes to your significant other. My s/o and I have some coiiitabmlpty, but it drives me nuts that he's 29 and hasn't started a Roth IRA or put any money aside for retirement yet. His savings are minimal. He works Part time and makes a small amount of money covering his basic living expenses. Meanwhile, I am 27 and have a networth of $130k. I wish he'd start to save By the way, I saw you are going to the Personal Finance Bloggers Conference. I just signed up today to attend as well. I look forward to meeting you there!