Don’t Let Your Life Pass You By… Instead Harness Your Energy And Go For the Gusto!

We all know that marriage takes work – all of the advice out there (and our own experience) makes that perfectly clear – but something the experts don’t really talk about is energy.

We’ve all got busy lives. Between work and kids, chores around the house, and trying to squeeze out just a little bit of time for ourselves, it’s tough to have any steam left at the end of the day!

In a marriage though, harnessing your energy (and taking steps to maximize it) can have hugely beneficial effects!

This encompasses everything from doing the dishes to making love, from communicating to time spent alone. Approaching every day with energy and a sense of purpose can lead to big steps in your overall happiness, and the smooth functioning of your marriage.

Being energetic and positive means having a “can do” attitude, and as cliché as this may sound, it really makes all the difference. If something needs to be done around the house, just do it! If it occurs to you, start making progress right away instead of putting it off.

If you’re both more active, you will notice a boost in your sex life and self-confidence.

The same goes for exercise, sex, pet projects, literally anything you might want to do – if you think about it, why not take action?

The problem that many people face is not having the motivation/energy to act like this on a daily basis – but it gets easier the more you do it!

You can make lifestyle changes to give you more energy too, like developing better eating habits, getting more exercise, quitting smoking, etc.

The largest shift is mental – you have to want to do more (for yourself, and for your marriage). The results can be tremendous. When you get in the habit of this approach to daily life, you’ll be more enthusiastic about almost everything, and this includes the marriage itself.

If you’re both doing more around the house, there is less to argue about. If you’re both more active, this will boost your sex life and self-confidence. If you’re both taking on more responsibilities with the kids, you’ll make each other’s job easier!

It has everything to do with taking a proactive role in your life, yielding confidence, happiness, and an almost daily sense of accomplishment. Instead of turning on the TV, get something done! Invest your effort and energy into everything you do, every single day! It will do wonders for you individually, and in turn, for your marriage.

For more tips on a happier, healthier marriage, check out the StrongMarriageNow System today!

Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness!

Dr. Dana Fillmore and Amy Barnhart, co-Founders,


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