Can Separation Save a Marriage?

The gap between two people

When people are facing trying times in their marriages, they may consider the idea of temporary separation. They might feel like they need some space, that they need to get away from behavior that’s making them upset, or that they simply need a break from the marriage to collect their thoughts and emotions.

But this raises an important question: can separating actually help a struggling marriage
Well, the short answer is yes – if (and only if) it’s done correctly. If not, it can actually end up causing a lot more damage.

So, how does a couple separate the “right way” – and furthermore, how does it actually help?

Separating The Right Way Can Save A Marriage

First, let’s make sure we understand the real purpose of separating. It’s not supposed to be a hasty decision, it’s supposed to be that last-ditch, “Hail Mary pass” attempt at getting things back on track when you feel like you’ve run out of other options.

When you separate from your spouse, the idea is to get a taste of what life would be like without them. It’s supposed to be a chance to reevaluate the marriage, and see if some new perspective changes the way you feel. Sometimes we’re “too close” to our problems, and once we’ve stepped away, we can see our own contributions to them, how we may have been overreacting, or discover new solutions simply by looking at things from a new vantage point.

With those guiding principles established, what does a separation “done right” look like?

For starters, you have to set some guidelines (that you both agree upon), and stick with them. If the separation is actually going to lead to some positive changes, establishing some ground rules is key.

You may have your own specific rules to establish, but there are also some general guidelines that will help make separating a source of resolution.

Here are a few of the most important:

Time Frame

If you decide to separate, set a time limit immediately. Your time apart should be no more than six months – and in all reality, probably shouldn’t be any longer than three months (especially if you have kids).

Establishing this time frame helps keep you focused on the real reason for the separation – to work on and improve the marriage. If you separate with no clear end in sight, you may just drift apart instead of putting in the effort to make changes and meet a self-imposed “deadline” for sorting out issues.

Live Like You’re Divorced

If the main purpose of separation is to show you what life would be like without your spouse, you HAVE to live as if you were already divorced.

This means splitting up finances (don’t close your accounts just yet, but split up your money as if you were), staying in separate places, even splitting up custody of the kids. You have to really get the sense of being apart – no sharing cars, “hooking up,” or relying on each other the way you did when you were “together.”

If you let yourself fall back into old behaviors, you’re giving yourself a false sense of what splitting up will be like, and worse, giving yourself some of the “benefits” of marriage without the responsibilities – and you likely won’t work on changing the problem areas that lead to separation in the first place.

Don’t Date

This is a bit of a touchy subject, since many couples separate because one of them is seeing someone else, but if it can be avoided, it should be! It’s tough to work on one a relationship if you’re starting to develop feelings for another person.

Now, in the interest of full disclosure, some couples DO actually get back together after dating other people – it helps them realize what they were taking for granted, and how unpleasant the “dating world” can be. This is NOT our recommended approach, but it does work for some people… You’ll have to find what works best for you and your spouse.

Don’t Change The Rules

Yes, one of the rules is about the rules themselves – but it has to be mentioned!

If you start to miss each other, good! Don’t change the rules. If you’re struggling to make your appointments and get the kids where they need to be, good! Don’t change the rules.

When things get tough, it’s your chance to learn. Don’t change the rules to make things easier on yourself, instead look for the lesson in the struggle.

The point of separating was to get a sense of life without your partner, and if it’s tougher than you anticipated, that’s a pretty strong sign that splitting up with your spouse isn’t the best idea.

You laid out the guidelines for your separation for a reason. If you change them halfway through, you risk undoing the lessons you were learning, and stopping your progress dead in its tracks.

Work On It

This last rule is the most important of all. No matter what ground rules you set, no matter what time frame you establish, no matter what your problems might be – nothing is going to change if you don’t put in some work.

This means working on both yourself and the relationship – and it will be different for everyone. If you’ve gotten to the point of separating with your spouse, life probably feels pretty stressful, and this is your opportunity to set a new course.

It could be working on things directly related to your marriage (or the problems that lead to separation), from anger management to problems with addiction, from taking parenting classes to working on money management…

It can also be peripheral things that might not have been central to the issues in your marriage, but are “problem areas” for you nonetheless. This could be getting in shape, kicking a bad habit, spending more time on a passion, etc.

The idea is to be the best version of yourself, because it will also translate into being a better spouse. When you are confident in yourself and fulfilled in your pursuits, you have so much more to offer another person in terms of connection and support. This goes for both of you.

If you aren’t working on the things that caused you to separate, the whole thing is for naught.

Remember the real reasons for separation, and make sure you’re going about it in a way that will actually lead to growth and positive change. If you’ve already separated from your spouse, but didn’t lay out the rules mentioned above, that’s ok! It’s not too late to “restart” on the right foot.

Think long and hard before making the choice to separate – and if you do, make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons (and going about it the right way). If you keep these “rules” in mind, it truly can help get your marriage back on track!




For more advice on how to strengthen your marriage, check out the StrongMarriageNow System today!

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Theresa 9 years ago

Last night I told my husband we should separate. I can't live like this anymore and although I would like my marriage to work I feel like staying in this marriage only makes the situation worse and I lose more of myself each day.

hopefulhusband 9 years ago

Sure separation can work, my wife and I are just starting to reconnect after three months of being apart. Last weekend was the first time in six months that she told me she still loves me. I can't tell ya how good that made me feel! At one time I really didn't think we would make it, I just kept the hope. So don't give up without a fight, do everything you know to do and if things do not work out at least you'll know in your heart you gave the marriage the best shot you could.

quest 9 years ago

been seperated from my wife for 9 moths don't think its hope full she's demanding to much for me to return she wants to control the situation rather than be an equal partner how do i cope with this

quest 9 years ago

Theresa, i would like to know your situation maybe it will help me with mine

Mike_Olsen_SMN 9 years ago

Hi Theresa - We know that sometimes a separation is needed. I hope you can take our advice into consideration and it works about between you both.

Mike_Olsen_SMN 9 years ago

Hi Hopeful - I'm happy to hear things are healing for you both! It's the baby steps that get us where we are going.

Mike_Olsen_SMN 9 years ago

Hi Quest - Is she demanding control because she had none previously? Is there a reason she wouldn't trust you? Try to find compromises, such as agreements on money decisions when the purchase is a certain price, or disciplinary responses for your children.

David Matias 8 years ago

I see where it says one person can do the program on their own, but can a couple do the program seperately?

David Matias 8 years ago

I see where it says one person can do the program on their own, but can a couple do the program seperately?