Make Labor Day A Labor Of Love

Labor day exists to recognize the people who keep the gears of daily life cranking away – the folks get up every morning to keep the world operating. In celebration of their (your) contributions to society, we get a chance to take a three-day weekend, and hopefully get some time in to relax.

Now, even if you don’t work in a trade or service industry, Labor Day is still for you. This coming weekend is a well-deserved break from all the hard work you do – no matter what that work might be. While you’ve got the time away from your day job, why not work on your marriage with some FUN this weekend?

Young Couple Camping
Take full advantage of a few days all to yourselves.

Not only is early September ripe for camping, local fairs and festivals, and all sorts of great outdoor activities, it’s also the perfect time for a mini “staycation” to celebrate the extended weekend. Send the kids off camping with their friends if you can, and take full advantage of a few days all to yourselves. It’s a holiday, after all, and holidays should be celebrated!

Forget mowing the lawn or cleaning out the closets. That stuff can wait. There’s plenty of days left to get prepared for fall, to get the kids situated in school, to tackle the housework or hang out with the neighbors. Make this Labor Day weekend about you and your spouse.

Make your favorite meals, lounge around the house, go for an aimless drive, get physical at any and every opportunity – do all of the things you can’t do when you’re worried about getting up for work Monday morning. If nothing else, you get an ENTIRE free day to slack off. Embrace your inner hedonist by soaking up the pleasures of your spouse’s company.

For more suggestions on how to strengthen your marriage, check out the StrongMarriageNow System today!


Dr. Dana Fillmore and Amy Barnhart, co-Founders,

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