The Most Important Resolution To Make This Year

Since 153 B.C. we have been promising ourselves we’ll make the next year better.  A study published on stated that the eleven most popular New Year’s Resolutions are:

  1. Drink Less Alcohol
  2. Get a Better Education
  3. Get a Better Job
  4. Get Fit
  5. Lose Weight
  6. Manage Debt
  7. Manage Stress
  8. Quit Smoking Now
  9. Save Money
  10. Take a Trip
  11. Volunteer to Help Others

Recent research suggests that while 52% of people are confident that they’ll achieve their goals, only 12% actually come even close.  Well, if we’ve been trying to improve every new year for the last 2000 years, why aren’t we getting any better at it?

Here’s one reason why.  Surprisingly, the importance of investing in relationships doesn’t even rank on the list above.  At, we suggest that your relationship is the foundation for your family and your life and it’s strength can go a long way to helping you achieve all of your other goals.  How about this year, work together with your partner and make a resolution to strengthen your marriage?  Making the commitment together will not only improve your relationship but also help you achieve your dreams.

Here are some resolutions you might want to choose to strengthen your relationship:

  • Spend more time together – Couples who spend at least 8 hours a week alone together feel more connected, more in love, more supported and more passionate.  These positive feelings make everything easier in your relationship and strengthen your bond, making it much less likely that one of you will stray.
  • Learn communication skills to help you better understand each other – This allows you to achieve emotional intimacy and truly feel safe.
  • Learn how to effectively resolve conflict – Knowing how to do this enables you to take on life’s big challenges and work for each other not against each other.
  • Make a budget and end disagreements over money.  70% of divorces are caused by disagreements over money or unfair division of labor.  Ending these disagreements not only reduces much stress but also allows you to achieve your goals.
  • Dramatically Improve Your Sex Life – A satisfying healthy sex life increases your life span and makes it a lot more enjoyable while you’re living it.

Accomplishing any one of these things will make a huge difference in your marriage.  You’ll feel more secure and supported in your quest for weight loss.  You’ll have the strength to put down that cigarette.  You’ll have a partner cheering you on while you go after that new job or more education.

So invest in your marriage and take care of each other.  Doing so will make 2011 your best year ever.

On New Year’s Day, we’ll send you an article on how to make a plan to make sure your achieve your new year’s resolutions and not be one of the 88% that typically fail.  We’ll help you succeed.  Stay tuned.

Want to learn how to transform your marriage in only 15 minutes a day with no office visit?  Check out our StrongMarriageNow System.

Dr. Dana Fillmore and Amy Barnhart,

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