Parenting is a full-time job. Anyone with kids (especially more than one) will agree that around the clock, children need supervision and care. Even as your kids grow into teens and young adults, they still turn to their parents for guidance, permission, and as you may know all too well, money. But being a parent […]

Coming into an existing family dynamic can be extremely tough – as you surely know if you’ve gone through it. Becoming a step-parent, or having your spouse become the step-parent of your children, isn’t as simple as just getting married – it takes time and effort to develop a relationship with your spouse’s kids, and […]

We live in a time where second marriages, unmarried parents, and blended families are only becoming more and more common. Unfortunately though, sometimes combining families can cause problems, resentment, unspoken disagreements, and actually drive the would-be family further and further apart.

It’s hard to predict what kind of parent a person is going to be. No matter what kind of assumptions or projections you make, when it comes to actually raising a child, your spouse may not handle things the way you expected at all!

We get all types of questions from married couples across the country (and around the world!), so when we come across one that may be able to help others in need, we can’t help but share it! This question about blended families seemed like perfect opportunity to address an issue that affects many, many second […]