This is an all too common scenario, even to the point of being cliché: the wife who hates her husband’s friends. And while this might seem almost eye roll worthy, like something out of a cheeky comedy – there’s a LOT of truth to it, and for some couples, it’s a real problem that is […]

Let’s not beat around the bush – there’s a LOT of misinformation out there. Incorrect assumptions about marriage have a variety of sources, from old adages and wives’ tales to simple lack of information, from outright mistruths to wishful thinking…

Disagreements about money are one of the most common reasons couples fight. It can be about different views of wants versus needs, contention about the price one person is willing to pay for something frivolous, accurately planning finances so all the bills are paid on time, or simply the difficulties of trying to manage a […]

Being married to another person is a long-term endeavor. If “until death do us part” is really the idea, then chances are pretty good that you’re going to share many significant experiences together over the years, and not all of those experiences are going to be pleasant…

We all know how affairs start… You’re likely feeling lonely, unappreciated, stuck in a rut, or otherwise disconnected from your spouse. You may be going through the motions of your daily life dissatisfied, hoping for something better but not sure how to get it…

To maintain a truly successful and happy marriage, you both have to be grown ups about it… Unfortunately though, a lot of us might not be as grown up as we think we are, especially when the chips are down. When fights are happening, when you feel defensive, when you’re struggling with stress, when you’re […]

Unpredictable and inconsistent behavior is difficult to deal with, especially in a romantic relationship. It feels like an emotional rollercoaster, where you never know how your words will be taken or what might upset your spouse, and can make you feel like you’re having mood swings of your own – where conversations turn hostile on […]

Disagreements about money are one of the most common reasons couples fight. It can be about different views of wants versus needs, contention about the price one person is willing to pay for something frivolous, accurately planning finances so all the bills are paid on time, or simply the difficulties of trying to manage a […]

It’s hard to predict what kind of parent a person is going to be. No matter what kind of assumptions or projections you make, when it comes to actually raising a child, your spouse may not handle things the way you expected at all!

Identifying and addressing a drinking problem can be an extremely touchy subject. Not only can it be tough to determine if someone’s drinking is truly a problem (and how severe that problem is), it can be even more challenging to try to approach him or her with that problem. People tend to be resistant to […]