Labor Day is coming soon, a holiday dedicated to the hard work done day after day, celebrated by taking the day off! And while it’s a chance to take a much-needed break from your actual day job, it’s also a perfect opportunity to reevaluate how the division of labor works in your marriage. Is the […]

Unless you’ve built some rare type of lifestyle, you probably have to deal with the same kinds of chores and “stuff maintenance” that people the world over trudge through… Laundry, dishes, sweeping, cleaning sinks and bathrooms – all the way through to mowing the lawn, putting up storm windows, clearing out drains, dusting shelves… All […]

Everyone has a different level of cleanliness they deem “acceptable” or “ideal.” Because of this simple fact, cohabitating can be tough from the get go. Add another layer like romance and marriage, and the state of the home can become a point of serious contention. Now, this gets even more problematic when expectations are unclear, […]

It’s a classic (and irritating) scenario: it’s the weekend, you’re up early, breakfast is made, and you’re looking around the house preparing to tackle the mountain of chores that stretches before you. Your husband eats, leaves his dirty dishes on the table, and plops down in the living room with the TV, laptop, newspaper, or […]

In every marriage, there’s an element of drudgery… It doesn’t really have anything to do with the relationship itself, it’s just a simple reality of most of our lives. Laundry has to be done, the lawn needs mowing, dishes need to be done, the floors need sweeping, and the list of chores just goes on […]