There’s a commonly believed relationship myth out there:  “Everyone in the family will be happier if we just get a divorce.”  Do you find yourself thinking the same thing?  Are you wondering if you’ll be better off apart? Well the truth is, in most cases, this is far from the truth.  There are countless research […]

So, you want to now the real difference between the people who stay happily married and the people who don’t? The people who stay happily married are willing to work on it.  They’re willing to learn, to grow, to change, to take risks and to take action.  Basically, they’re willing to do whatever it takes. […]

Why do so many people’s attempt to save their marriages fail? What are they doing? or not doing? Why do so many who go to counseling still separate? Here’s what you need to know to save your marriage and succeed where others fail. Not all therapists are created equalNow, I recognize that might sound strange […]

Have you ever wondered why so many people’s attempts to save their marriages fail? Why do so many people divorce? Why so many who go to counseling still separate? Are you worried that might happen to you too? First and foremost, many couples simply start too late and give up too soon. What I mean […]

Despite their many quirky, strange and failed marriages, the Beatles did get one thing (though they may not have applied it) right about marriage. “And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.” This is, in fact, the Golden Rule of Marriage: You must give in your marriage what […]

So many people are frustrated in their marriage because they believe they have tried many different ways to improve the situation and these approaches didn’t work. This is very common. There’s a reason for this, however. Many people’s efforts to fix their marriages in the past have failed because they used an ineffective approach based […]

Feel stuck? Does your marriage suffer from past hurt? Are either of you finding it difficult to get over problems or issues? You may be stuck due to an inability (or unwillingness) to forgive. Learn Why Forgiveness Matters Learn How To Fix Your Marriage Problems. Visit

Many of you have told us that you’ve been impacted by some sort of infidelity and you reached out to us at to ask for help.  On our teleseminar last week, “5 Secrets to Save Your Marriage.” Dr. Fillmore address that very concern. The most common questions you asked about affairs were: “Is my […]

Do you want to know the answers to any of these questions? Can my marriage be saved? My spouse isn’t willing to work on the marriage, is the marriage over? What do I do if my partner has moved out, is dating someone else or has even already filed papers?  Please help! How do you […]

Do you want to save your marriage but your partner isn’t willing to work on it? Have you heard the words, “I’m done” or “I just don’t feel that way about you anymore.” If so, you’re not alone.  That’s one of the most common questions we hear.  The good news is, you can save your […]