Category: Health Issues & Mid-Life Crisis
Mental Illness and Marriage – A Four Part Series
Let’s face up to a harsh reality: approximately 26% of American adults (over 18) suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder of one type or another. That’s 1 in 4 grownups – something like 60 million people – struggling with a range of issues that affect their daily lives… And for many, their marriages. We want…
I Think My Spouse is Bipolar
In the world of mental health, amateur diagnosis runs rampant. We often use terms unwittingly to describe emotional ups and downs, even if they are supposed to be reserved for very real mental health issues – and in doing so, we blur the lines between relatively “normal” difficulties and real, diagnosable mental illnesses. On the…
Women Can Have the Best Sex of Their Lives After 50!
There’s a very common misconception out there about sex and aging, particularly that as people get older, their desires fade – and eventually older people stop having sex altogether.
Could Perimenopause Be Hurting Your Marriage?
The term “perimenopause” refers to the time period in a woman’s life before the onset of menopause, which may include typical menopause symptoms like hot flashes or difficulty sleeping, as well as mood changes, differences in sexual desire, and irregular menstrual patterns.
I Can’t Take My Wife’s Mood Swings
Unpredictable and inconsistent behavior is difficult to deal with, especially in a romantic relationship. It feels like an emotional rollercoaster, where you never know how your words will be taken or what might upset your spouse, and can make you feel like you’re having mood swings of your own – where conversations turn hostile on…
I’m Afraid My Wife has a Drinking Problem
Identifying and addressing a drinking problem can be an extremely touchy subject. Not only can it be tough to determine if someone’s drinking is truly a problem (and how severe that problem is), it can be even more challenging to try to approach him or her with that problem. People tend to be resistant to…
My Marriage is Making Me Fat!
For many couples across the country, marriage is a major factor in a period of weight gain. According to one 2012 study, in the five years after getting married, women in their early 20s gain an average of 24 lbs., while men of the same age group gained an average of 30 lbs. While gaining…
Are Anti-Depressants Killing Your Marriage?
Mental health is a complicated topic – everyone is a little bit different, and it can be extremely difficult to diagnose, treat, and understand problems like depression, anxiety, and other mental/emotional troubles.
What To Do About PTSD
Trauma comes in many forms, sometimes in the form of disasters or accidents, but more often, it comes at the hands of people hurting other people – and this can have a long term psychological effect, impacting relationships, trust, and perception (among many other things) for the rest of a survivor’s life. A subscriber recently…
Is Alcohol The Real Reason For Your Family Problems? – Part 3
Over the last two articles, we’ve been looking at the problems alcohol can cause for your health and for your marriage. Today, we’ll finish up this three-part series by discussing another area of your life threatened by alcohol abuse: your family. Much like the ways drinking can damage a marriage, the social and psychological impact…